Average alimony per month

Average alimony per month binds ex-spouses financially even after divorce, particularly for child-related expenses. Whether the ex-spouse remained good friends after the divorce, or can no longer bear each other, the father will have to transfer a high amount of alimony to the mother each month, in addition to participating in medical, educational expenses, etc. Sometimes, the father transfers alimony even when arrangements for staying with his children are few or non-existent. Therefore, it is no wonder that the issue of monthly alimony is among the issues that most concern couples who are on the verge of divorce proceedings. Therefore, the question of the average alimony per month is a question that concerns many mothers and fathers.

Calculation of monthly alimony for child support

How much is alimony in a divorce proceeding?

This question is a complex one, since there is no fixed alimony and the court decides the alimony in each case on its own merits. The court rules on a number of parameters, there are parameters related to the necessary needs of the child and the standard of living to which he is accustomed. For example, if the child was accustomed to a certain number of classes a week or to psychological, emotional therapies, the court would try to consider this matter. A second parameter, related to parents and their financial ability. When the court comes to rule on alimony, it will examine the actual income of the father, his earning potential and whether he receives financial assistance from an external source and what is the amount.

The court will examine assets that are in the possession of the father and mother from another, new family. Not only that, in a new trend of the courts recently, the mother’s financial ability, earning potential and other parameters will also be examined Which were examined by the father. It is worth noting that until recently, the court’s examination of the mother’s income was not in-depth, and alimony was stopped for the father almost automatically..

Average alimony per month

Since there are no parameters for performing alimony calculation according to law, the court ruling determined the method of calculation. At the same time, the necessary needs of the child and the income of the father and mother require proof in court. Therefore, a series of court rulings have set minimum alimony that constitutes the necessary needs of the child. B.A. (Tel Aviv) 1895/02 Ben Ami v. Ben Ami The Honorable Justice Stoffman ruled that “the necessary needs of a minor who do not require detailed evidence and are in the general judicial knowledge, amount to NIS 1,150, without section expenses and without kindergarten expenses.” . Today, the amounts have been updated and they stand at between 1400 and 1600 NIS. In addition, education, section, and exceptional expenses must be added.

Average alimony per month in divorce cases

Divorce proceedings with children

Children are the ones who will bind spouses forever, even if they have chosen to end their marriage. Most often, this relationship will also be reflected in the payment of monthly alimony. These alimony will be determined according to the court’s decision in accordance with the circumstances of each case, but there is an index of average child support per month which according to the ruling today stands at an average of about 1450 NIS not including section, education expenses.

How Income and Parenting Time Affect Average Alimony per Month and Exceptional Expenses

And exceptional expenses. Alimony, as stated, will be determined according to the income of both parents, after offsetting their section expenses, and taking into account the disposable income left for each of them. From the remaining amount, we examine the ratio of the remaining income to the time spent by each of the parents with the children. After this account is prepared, the alimony that the father will pay to his children will be deducted. In the event that we reach an equal result both in the ratio of income and in relation to the temporary stay of each of the parents with the children, we may reach a result in which no alimony will be paid. As of today, as soon as we reach such equality, we will reach a situation where there will be no alimony, but only when the minor reaches the age of 6. Until the age of 6, the liability is still the father’s. Regarding exceptional expenses such as: Classes, summer camps, treatments, medical needs, etc., there is also a trend in case law, and today they are examined according to the income ratio of each of the parents, and contrary to the existing rule, that will be divided in half. Today can determine a different ratio such as: 60-40. The whole trend in ruling on alimony and section is to create equality in the burden.

Collection of Alimony: Legal Steps When Monthly Payments Are Not Met

Collection of alimony A divorcee whose father does not pay alimony or does not pay alimony every month can act against him within the framework of the Bureau of Execution. A case can be opened against him and foreclosures and restrictions imposed on him that will disrupt the normal course of his life. A father who does not pay alimony can be imposed with bank foreclosures, car foreclosures, real estate foreclosures, movable foreclosures, the following orders can be executed against him which will bring him before the Registrar of Execution through a police order, and restrictions can be imposed on him. Driving and restrictions on the use of credit cards. Execution cases that are opened for non-payment of alimony are different from “ordinary” enforcement cases, including an abbreviated route in which the Enforcement and Collection Authority will take action even without the need for the help of the woman Also, an enforcement case opened in respect of alimony, is the only case in which an application for an arrest warrant can be immediately filed and the father prohibited for non-transfer of payment. If an alimony enforcement case is opened against a father, it is advisable to consult a lawyer who specializes in such enforcement cases, as the proceedings taken in the cases may disrupt his life. In any case, this is a debt according to a ruling, so the debt must be paid, so a defense procedure will only help if a case is opened and actions were taken in it that are not in accordance with the ruling.