Child Support

Child Support | Payment of child support is determined according to the needs of the children and taking into account the standard of living of the children prior to the divorce – sometimes the amount varies according to living expenses and variable expenses such as classes, medical treatments and more

Child support is meant for your kids!

That’s it, you have decided to separate and you have reached a stage where you need to determine the amount of child support and whether wife support is due. These are two different types of payments and each is designed for different purposes. This is an opportunity to put alimony in order, as well as some tips and advice that you should read and adopt to make sure that child support does indeed reach the purpose for which it was intended.

Child support payments

There is no clear and unambiguous formula to know how much alimony should be paid. Hence, this will be determined by the parties with the assistance of an attorney and in some cases will be decided by judges. In contrast, previous cases and different precedents can be used to understand the orders of magnitude we are talking about. Kindergarten expenses, for example, are measured at about NIS 1,000 per child each month. If the father’s earnings are significantly greater than the mother’s salary, and the mortgage is about NIS 3,000 a month, it is likely that for two children, the father will pay several thousand shekels a month. The smaller the differences between the father’s salary and the mother’s salary are, the smaller the amount of alimony will be.

Alimony for the wife instead of child support

These payments are designed to support the wife and provide for all her needs as she was used to. Since nowadays more and more women work and earn enough for their living, the number of cases in which the husband owes a wife alimony is reduced. If the woman does not work and earns a salary, she is entitled to full “alimony”. If the woman works and her income is low or insufficient for her livelihood, an “income supplement” will be needed. Of course there are many more conditions, situations and rulings that can change the picture.

Child support

Payment of child support, how long do you have to pay it? 

Child support from the age of 15 to the age of 18 is considered a “state of charity” alimony. The same payments are imposed equally between the two parents if the mother is affluent enough, if not then they are imposed only on the father. This form of payment applies to the child up to the day of graduation from high school or up to the age of 18 whichever is later. This section, too, originates in Jewish law, which states that from the age of 15, a child can start working and take care of paying for all the sections that have hitherto been imposed on his parents. In most cases, an agreement or judgment for the payment of alimony lasts until the age of 21/20, an age at which military service in Israel is usually completed, but the amount of alimony is reduced to one third at this stage.

the amount of alimony 

The amount of alimony is determined according to the specific circumstances of each case, and also depends on each judge and his agenda on the subject.  If the alimony is discussed in the rabbinical court then their amount will be different from the amount to be determined in family court. Alimony is a derivative of parental income and children’s needs.

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Payment of child support

The amount that the husband must transfer to his ex-wife in order to support and provide for all the needs of the children including the cost of education, medication, clothing, classes and the like. If you have not reached an agreement on your own or through mediation, then the court will determine the amount of child support.

And now, after the brief explanation of the types of alimonies we have reached the “gray zone”. The place where child support payments are transferred to the woman and you have no control over whether they are directed to the purpose for which they exist – the economy and child welfare

1. It should be understood – there is no rule of thumb that determines what the amount is, there are no tables with numbers, but a judge that bases his decision on previous relevant rulings and determines the appropriate amount in that case.

2. Equally important – you have no ability to control actual expenses. Therefore, before ruling on child support, it is important to check and prove what the child’s real expenses are, because after the judge has ruled child support, the court will not enter the mother’s tassels and check what the money was spent on.

3. Reducing child support – CPI-linked child support. Therefore, there are cases in which it is correct to determine basic alimony and the balance of the amount intended for the living and the children’s needs, to be added as an exceptional expense that is not linked to the index and is also divided equally between mother and father.

4. What if the wife earns more? This is an important point in ruling on child support. This is not to say that the husband is exempt from payments, but there is certainly an opening here for a just and proper distribution and participation in child support holders on both sides.

5. Knowledge is money – this a familiar phrase and relevant here as well. The more involved you are in the family economy and especially in the expenses intended for raising the children, the harder it will be to collect from you amounts that ultimately go to the wife and not to the children.

6. Last tip: right at the beginning of the divorce process, it is advisable and worthwhile for you to consult a family lawyer whose specialty it is, as the number of ways to increase child support beyond what is necessary are as many as the number of creative paths.

7. A family lawyer will be able to advise you on the payment of alimony in joint custody

Alimony agreement in divorce proceedings

Alimony agreement usually refers to child support. According to family law, as soon as a couple of parents draws up an agreement regulating child support, such an agreement must be formally approved by the Family Court or the Rabbinical Court. Sometimes, a couple of parents make a divorce agreement and then over the years they create a new arrangement regarding the child support. Such amendment absolutely must be formally approved in order for it to have legal validity.

In the alimony agreement, it is recommended to address the components included in the total amount of alimony, such as: rent and housekeeping, clothing and footwear, the child’s living expenses, health insurance, medicines, hygiene, birthdays, classes, summer camps, education, and other elements. The more detailed the components are, the less likely it is that there will be future friction on this matter.

Calculation of child support payments

The Alimony Act does not indicate how alimony should be distributed. Over the years, the ruling has created a variety of calculations for determining the payments. As a result, there are many changes regarding the method of calculation, from case to case and from judge to judge and there is no judicial uniformity on this matter. The courts have tried to set minimum amounts for child support per child, which currently stands at about NIS 1,250 linked to the index, but there is controversy as to what should be paid beyond that, as an extra expense and whether an exact multiplier should be made for additional children or slightly reduced. Following the legal uncertainty on this sensitive issue, guided by the then Minister of Justice, the Shipman Commission, was appointed to examine how to calculate alimony. The committee has determined a calculation for determining the amount of alimony

Child Support | Payment of child support is determined according to the needs of the children and taking into account the standard of living of the children prior to the divorce – sometimes the amount varies according to living expenses and variable expenses such as classes, medical treatments and more

Child support is meant for your kids!

That’s it, you have decided to separate and you have reached a stage where you need to determine the amount of child support and whether wife support is due. These are two different types of payments and each is designed for different purposes. This is an opportunity to put alimony in order, as well as some tips and advice that you should read and adopt to make sure that child support does indeed reach the purpose for which it was intended.

Child support payments

There is no clear and unambiguous formula to know how much alimony should be paid. Hence, this will be determined by the parties with the assistance of an attorney and in some cases will be decided by judges. In contrast, previous cases and different precedents can be used to understand the orders of magnitude we are talking about. Kindergarten expenses, for example, are measured at about NIS 1,000 per child each month. If the father’s earnings are significantly greater than the mother’s salary, and the mortgage is about NIS 3,000 a month, it is likely that for two children, the father will pay several thousand shekels a month. The smaller the differences between the father’s salary and the mother’s salary are, the smaller the amount of alimony will be.

Alimony for the wife instead of child support

These payments are designed to support the wife and provide for all her needs as she was used to. Since nowadays more and more women work and earn enough for their living, the number of cases in which the husband owes a wife alimony is reduced. If the woman does not work and earns a salary, she is entitled to full “alimony”. If the woman works and her income is low or insufficient for her livelihood, an “income supplement” will be needed. Of course there are many more conditions, situations and rulings that can change the picture.