False complaint

Do you have concerns about a police complaint in a divorce proceeding?

Hard and exhausting separations between spouses show us how much the children are the ones to suffer most. If we address the various aspects of filing a false complaint with the police we will understand how a boy or girl whose father has been detained for nothing feels in full force the negativity of it. Such children can be ashamed when they come to kindergarten or school, and they do not really understand the connection between the father who was by their side for quite a few moments and in the daily routine, and the father who is behind bars who is now being described as a violent person who should not be near him.

The children are hurt: their father is in jail and they cannot see him.

The divorcee is harmed: a police investigation, the alimony payment sequence is harmed, commits a moral offense.

The current spouse is hurt: the divorcee makes her life bitter, and undermines her new relationship.

The Police is harmed: Allocation of resources (police officers, investigators) for a “made up” offense.

The rest of women of the public are harmed: eventually, they do not really believe those who have really been subjected to violence.

Hard and exhausting separations between spouses show us how much the children are the main sufferers. If we address the various aspects of filing a false complaint with the police we will understand how a boy or girl whose father has been detained for nothing feels in full force the negativity of it. Such children can be ashamed when they come to kindergarten or school, and they do not really understand the connection between the father who was by their side for many moments and in their daily routine, and the father who is now behind bars and is being described as a violent person who should not be near his children.

There is no doubt that this is a very immoral step that a woman can take as part of a divorce process. Without harming a woman who fears for her life or the lives of her children when she is with a dangerous person and she feels how he can endanger her and her children, stands opposite a woman who only desires to harm her partner. That is why the way to file a complaint should not always be so short, and certainly a false complaint should not be filed. If this is revealed to the children, then they will not view their mother’s actions favorably. This is true even if they are young children (because even if they do not understand it now, they will understand it in the future when they grow up).

The difficult financial situation of the woman during the false arrest of the man

Another very important aspect of the consequences of a false complaint to the police is that it can remind any woman how much it usually comes back as a boomerang, if we may define it so. Since we live in a world where the family economy is challenged quite a bit by taxes, current household expenses and the like, we understand how much couple income is infinitely safer and more stable than income based on just one spouse. Here we can identify the connection between the arrest of one of the spouses and the immediate and not simple financial distress caused.

Whether it is a man who has his own business or company or an employee who provides for his family with dignity and contributes his financial share to the welfare of the family, it will be very difficult for almost any woman to get along without her husband’s monthly income. Raising children and paying for various expenses that characterize households in Israel, will all fall on the woman’s shoulders, and it will not be at all surprising to see her asking for financial help from her family, or friends, or she will even deteriorate into trying to get money in bad places like the gray market.

The impact on other women in a similar situation and the importance of not ignoring domestic violence

Quite a few women can make the mistake of filing a false complaint with the police. This is because if they identify how it worked for a certain friend or someone else they know, then they can complain against the husband or spouse in the police and thus keep him away for such and other reasons that seem satisfactory to them. It is very important to know that beyond the negative points we described above, this can hurt quite a few other women in a comprehensive, broad, distorted and completely unnecessary way.

This refers to a case where a truth-telling woman who suffers violence from her husband arrives to file a complaint while she is in a divorce proceedings, it could be that because of the multiplicity of lies and false complaints about different men, the police investigators will not really believe her. In addition, someone who has started a new life with the divorcee, his new partner, can suffer from a divorcee that makes their lives hell with false complaints. It should be understood that domestic violence should be treated with the utmost severity and prevent any harm to any woman. But the way must be honest and fair in order to avoid unnecessary harm to the husband, spouse and other people.


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